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Home alone

A new day. 

I stand on the balcony, looking over the world. Well, the world is an overstatement. It’s just the garden, but it’s my world. I feel the wind in my hair and I draw my breath. I fill my lungs with cool air, it feels refreshing and wakes me up. I tip-toe back inside and take a quick look around. 

In the kitchen I try to figure out what there is for breakfast. The options are limited, it’s really just the same thing as yesterday, the same as the day before. I take a sip of water, thinking I can maybe find something more interesting to eat later. 

My morning pill had been laid out for me before everyone left, I prefer it that way. Otherwise I would not take it. Not that I don’t want to, I would just not remember. I don’t even completely understand what it’s for, but they say it’s better for my heart. 

Normally, the days go by slowly. I’m sure there are things I could do around the house. 

I find a sock which is probably supposed to be in the pile of clothes in the corner. It seems clean. I study it a little bit, trying to figure out whose it is. Obviously not mine. The texture is soft and the sock is grey. Whether it’s for a child or an adult, it’s hard to tell. They’ve all grown so much. 

I personally prefer going barefoot. 

I know I shouldn’t do anything with the clothes, someone else should have put them away by now. Also, they’re not mine. But I still touch them and I feel a certain calmness and belonging. They represent all the other lives in this apartment. 

I get back up, leaving my thoughts to wonder about my own things. Looking around I see a few objects lying around that belong to me. Yes, this one is mine. I touch it briefly. Everything else I feel we own together.  

Suddenly I hear a noise from the corridor. Someone is moving up the stairs. I feel the need to call someone, let them know. Is someone coming here?

I wait by the door, quite anxiously. I notice the cat sleeping by the window. I will admit, I find it perplexing sometimes how little cats care. Maybe it’s an attitude I should adopt ---

No, I don’t think so. 

Now I’m sure there is someone in the hallway. I tilt my head to listen better. Maybe it’s just the children downstairs. Running around. I’m a bit on edge but I return to the living room. I take a breath and close my eyes. The sounds have gone. 

I sit quietly and let time pass by. Maybe it’s a few minutes, maybe one hour. Perhaps even more. At times, I find myself staring at nothing. The wall. The windows. I notice a new ornament on the shelf, it’s Christmas soon.  

I come back to my senses as there is obvious noise at the door. How did I not notice it earlier? It’s already happening. I run over, I hear the key turn in the lock. Oh, my god. Someone is here. 

Someone is here. How did I manage all this time? I was so alone. 

The door opens. I get that feeling again. Oh my god, you are here. Again! You are here! Welcome back! I love you so much - I love you so so much!

That happy feeling, my tail wagging side to side. 

I can’t help it, I let out a loud woof. 

Finally, we are reunited again.

This story is dedicated to my dog Moli, a silver fox of a chihuahua