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The scent of Paris

Paris, generally speaking, smells of pee.

Don't breathe too deeply through your nose without first assuring yourself that it’s not a location likely to be used as a substitute toilet.

These days I’m suffering from climate anxiety. I feel that right now the emphasis is only on words, even though I try to do what I can to pollute less, use less plastic packaging, eat more green and so on. At the same time I feel so insignificant, powerless towards it all, but also towards the public's ignorance in so many places. Why, why isn’t there a campaign going on everywhere, on social media or on TV, to inform people more about the situation?

I feel we only just discuss these issues. Discuss them but nothing happens. Why not are we not acting as quickly as we do when natural disasters occur. We send rescue teams and everyone is ready to help. Right now there’s a natural disaster going on all around us but we’re not reacting, not until afterwards.

My drivers license is valid until 2060. That is 10 years after the time that the glaciers of Iceland will probably disappear. A few years after that, they say that 90% of the animal life around Iceland's coast will disappear. Can we just try to comprehend this for a minute?!

Yours truly,

(With climatic anxiety because it’s real)